Konstanz 2022 BifiPV PROCEEDINGS

This year’s agenda brought the best of talks on BifiPV. The talks selected represent actualized, relevant research in the fast-paced world of bifacial PV discoveries. This free event offered updated on field validation, new market trends, and knowledge developed in this past year. You can see the proceedings below, with access to slides and recordings for some of the talks.

The event took place on March 31st and April 1st of 2022 (closing the SiliconPV Workshop, allowing interested audience to attend these events in a condensed and efficient way). Attendees joined in person or online, with live discussions after each session. As part of the SiliconPV conference, the bifiPV2022 explored bifacial applications and LCOEs moving below 1USct/kWh with HSAT bifacial nPV technology.

The 2022 Hybrid bifiPV Workshop was hosted by ISC Konstanz, Germany.



Day 1: Thursday March 31st, 2022

Opening | Video | Slides


8:30 | Summary of nPV R&D / Outlook for nPV industry | Barbara Terheiden (University of Konstanz)

8:30 | Opening of bifiPV2022 | Mauro Pravetoni (SERIS) & Rado Kopecek (ISC Konstanz)

Session A: Silicon Material | Chairs: Barbara Terheiden (University of Konstanz) & Jan Schmidt (ISFH)


8:40 | Silicon Development at LONGI | Yichun (YC) Wang (LONGI)

9:00 | Application of 12 inch Silicon Wafer in Photovoltaic Industry | Lin Wang (Zhonghuan Semiconductor Co., Ltd)

9:20 | Ingot production in a vertical integrated GW PV factory | Melis Çetmeli (Kalyon PV)

9:40 | NexWafe's Direct Gas-to-Wafer Manufacturing | Davor Sujita (NexWafe GmbH)

10:00 | coffee break

Session B: Solar Cell Production | Chairs: Deren Yang (Zhejiang University) & Matthieu Despeisse (CSEM) | VIDEO


10:30 | Industrial Application of n-Type Bifacial TOPCon Technology | Jia Chen (Jolywood (Taizhou) Solar Technology Co., LTD) | SLIDES

10:50 | The TOPCon Solar Cell Development from Lab to Production at Trina Solar | Zhiqiang Feng (Trina Solar Co., Ltd) | SLIDES

11:10 | HJT Mass Production in Huasun | Wenjing Wang (Huasun Energy)

11:30 | Recent progress of QCells‘ high efficiency solar cell development | Jörg W. Müller (Hanwha Q CELLS GmbH) | SLIDES

11:50 | lunch break

Session C: Advanced Production Technologies | Chairs: Loic Tous (imec) & Olindo Isabella (TU Delft) | VIDEO


13:00 | Wet Chemical Processes for High Efficiency Devices | Holger Kuehnlein (RENA Technology GmbH)

13:20 | Updates on APCVD Processing for TOPCon Structures and Laser Doping | Christian Buchner (Schmid GmbH) | SLIDES

13:40 | Advanced Laser Cutting Equipment for n-type cells | Michael Grimm (3DMicromac AG) | SLIDES

14:00 | How to Bring Copper to PV Industry | Marco Balucani (Rise Technolgies S.r.l.)

Session D: Modules and Systems | Chairs: Radovan Kopecek (ISC Konstanz) & Arthur Weeber (TNO Energy Transition) | VIDEO


14:20 | PV for the Next Generation | Bonna K. Newman (TNO Energy Transition)

14:40 | Technological Edge to Drive Meyer Burger's European Solar Production Rebuild | Gunter Erfurt (Meyer Burger Technology AG)

15:00 | ViPV: The Next Challenges of Solar Integration | Matthieu Baudrit (Sono Motors GmbH)

15:20 | coffee break

15:50 | Need of Highly Bifacial Modules for Vertical PV Systems | Peter Bendix (next2sun GmbH) | SLIDES

16:10 | ZEBRA: Achieving Higher Energy Yield with n-Type IBC Modules | Lisa Hirvonen (FuturaSun s.r.l.) | SLIDES

Session E: Circular Economy | Chairs: Delfina Muñoz (CEA) & Stefan Glunz (Frauhofer ISE) | VIDEO


16:30 | Challenges and Opportunities for Terawatt-Scale Deployment of n-Type Solar Cell Technologie | Brett Hallam (University of New South Wales)

16:50 | A Circular Model Integrated in the PV Value Chain from Concept to Field Experience | Claire Aggraffeil (CEA) | SLIDES

17:10 | High Tech Products need High Tech Recyling | Wolfram Palitzsch (LuxChemTech GmbH)

Closure of nPV workshop | VIDEO


17:30 | Closure | Barbara Terheiden (University of Konstanz)

 17:30 | Next nPV workshop | Olindo Isabella (TU Delft)

 17:30 | 1 TeraWatt-Party | Radovan Kopecek (ISC Konstanz)

Day 2: Friday April 1st, 2022



8:30 | Summary of bifiPV day 1 and outlook on bifiPV day 2 | Radovan Kopecek (ISC Konstanz)

Session F: Overview, Bifacial Modules and Systems | Chairs: Joris Libal (ISC Konstanz) & Arthur Weeber (TNO Energy Transition) | VIDEO


8:40 | bifiPV2022: Technology, Application and Economy | Radovan Kopecek (ISC Konstanz)

9:00 | Bifacial Module Tiger Neo Pro | Xinyu Zhang (Zhejiang Jinko Solar Co. Ltd)

9:20 | Advanced Tracking | Francisco Javier Torrano (Soltec Energías Renovables S.L.U.) | SLIDES

9:40 | Bifacial AgriPV: The Technology for Fast Energy Transition in EU | Constantin Klyk (ISC Konstanz) | SLIDES

10:00 | coffee break

 Session G: Bifacial Systems and Energy Yield Simulation | Chairs: Radovan Kopecek (ISC Konstanz) & Markus Klenk (ZHAW) | VIDEO


10:30 | Integrating 3D PV Design and Yield Simulation: Challenges and Opportunities | Imre Horváth (PVCase) | SLIDES

10:50 | Bifacial Vertical PV System for Flat Roofs | Lars Podlowski (Solyco Technology GmbH) | SLIDES

11:10 | 1.3GW Bifacial PERC HSAT System in Kapynar | Firat Es (Middle East Technical University) | SLIDES

11:30 | Vertical Bifacial PV for Noise Blocking Applications | Minne de Jong (TNO Energy Transition)

11:50 | Energy Yield Measurements and SAM Simulations | Silvana Ovaitt (NREL) | SLIDES

12:10 | lunch break

Session H: New Devices, Standards, Measurements | Chairs: Lars Podlowski (Solyko) & Firat Es (Kalyon PV)


13:00 | Bifacial Tandem Solar Cell with High Efficiency Si p-PERT Sub-cell | Lev Kreinin (SolArond) | SLIDES

13:20 | Industrial Bifacial Measurements | Britta Mette (Wavelabs) | SLIDES

13:40 | Bifacial Measurements and Testing | Pepijn Veling (Eternalsun Spire) | SLIDES

14:00 | Standards, Qualification and Testing | Jörg Althaus (TÜV Rheinland)

14:20 | Outdoor Testing | Jenya Meydbray (PVEL)

14:40 | coffee break

Panel discussion | Chairs: Itai Suez (Silfab) & Radovan Kopecek (ISC Konstanz) | VIDEO


15:00 | Future of Bifacial Technology: Opportunities and Challenges | NREL, PVEL, Jinko, Wavelabs, EternalSun, Kalyon, Soltec

Closure of bifiPV workshop | VIDEO


16:00 | Closure | Radovan Kopecek (ISC Konstanz)

16:00 | Next bifiPV workshop 2022 | Firat Es (Kalyon)


Chairs Message

Dear bifiPV community,

Finally the Hybrid bifiPV Workshop 2022 will be hosted on March 31st to April 1st by ISC Konstanz, Germany. This workshop is linked to the SiliconPV conference and nPV workshop in Konstanz to enable all those who are interested to attend these events in a condensed and efficient way. bifiPV2022 will explore measurements, yield simulations, bifacial applications with LCOEs moving below 1USct/kWh with HSAT bifacial nPV technology as well as special space saving systems for e.g. AgriPV and carports.

We are looking forward to meeting you in Konstanz!

Mauro, Rado, and bifiPV 2022 organizers


Mauro Pravettoni

Radovan Kopecek


Chais of bifiPV Workshop

Chair: Radovan Kopecek (ISC Konstanz, Germany)

Co-Chair: Mauro Pravettoni (SERIS, Singapore)

Program Committee

ISC Konstanz, Germany: Radovan Kopecek

NREL, US: Silvana Ovaitt, Chris Deline

PVEL, US: Ashley Fallon, Jenya Meydbray

SANDIA, US: Josh S. Stein

SERIS, Singapore: Mauro Pravettoni

TNO, Netherlands: Agnes Mewe, Bas van Aken 

ZHAW, Switzerland: Markus Klenk

Conference Organizers


Our sponsors for the 2022 bifiPV Workshop on Konstanz are:


If you are interested in sponsoring future BifiPV Workshops, please contact us